Friday, July 17, 2009

Hubbba Bubba Baby Club

Thank you Aunt Holly for teaching this to Braden. It is so Cute!!! for all of those who don't know what he is saying it is the "I'm a member of the hubba bubba baby club, smile please" we say this while smashing our cheeks together. Braden thinks it is the best thing ever and does it constantly.

Tea Party For Mia

Mia received some very great presents and has loved playing with them
Thank You!

Her cousins Bostyn and Avery

Here we have Mia's Friend from Day Care Makenna, and her cousins Leighton and Brynn

And another cousin Callie, and the Birthday Girl Herself!

For Mia's party she wanted a Tea Party. The cuties had their nails done, some sparkly powder put on their face and of course some lip gloss. We lunched on Tea sandwiches, and Tea snacks then came the Tea ( or water with some really good sweet stuff to dip in it), and the little boys had to crash the party for all the good Tea treats! We had so much FUN!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Princesses?!

This is his "Don't Mia"

Smile Big Pretty Princess!

He had a little trouble getting up like a princess should get up.

I was a little afraid to post this because Justin might not like his son dressed up like a princess, but then I realized he doesn't even look at this blog even though he is the one who set it up. So here is what boys do when their dad's are not arround. I did not help with this, Mia however did.


Aunt Diana is the best she brought up her tea set so we could have a tea party everyday! The 3 little princesses loved it and wanted more!!!
Thank You Aunt Diana!!

Would you like some tea?


Ashee's kickin the pile down

all the KIDS playing in the sand

Ashton and Matt, Ashton loved playing in the sand.

Leighton and Braden

Cover up, pictures in the Tub! We had so much fun with our cousins outside we had to keep them together the whole time inside too.

Mommy and Braden

Mia and Holly

Daddy, Braden, Bethanie, Mike, Mia, & Holly
Getting some awesome shakes at the 50's dinner in West Yellowstone

Mia & Bostyn


So it was our turn to go up to the family cabin in Island Park, ID. We had so much fun we spent some time in West Yellowstone and so much time in the Sand Box we had sand EVERYWHERE! but we all had so much fun!

June Rain & Rainbows

I love the Beautiful Rainbows after the storms. These pictures just don't do the vivid colors justice, but I assure you the colors where Amazing!

Kids rock!! they love to play outside no matter what and see if there Friends are home.

Monday, June 29, 2009


K so our kids think it is really fun to race up the stairs to go to bed. So here is a video that Justin took last night of Braden getting ready to race. Mia was already upstairs getting ready for bed.

Man what a sweetie pie! This makes the whole day worth it.

Monday, June 8, 2009


So Braden absolutely loves the great outdoors, and will throw a fit when he has to come inside. So when it started raining, he had no problem with it, he loved it. I loved these pictures I got on my phone.


I told you all I am not good at this and apparently Justin is worse than I am. Here are some pictures from Easter!!! Braden's cheeser smile is so cute, but now he expects payment when he does it for you.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Family Home Evening

We had Family Home Evening with Gram Pam and Bacca tonight, and it was enjoyed by all! Mia just talked and talked the whole night, and was surprisingly well behaved. Braden is still under the weather so wasn't so much fun, but it's not his fault...unless he's faking!

Actually I think he is really tired I hate stupid Daylight Savings! Thanks For coming over and joining in our Family Home Evening Gram Pam and Bacca. It's always more fun with guests! Come again soon. (PS Gram Pam your a Beauty)