Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Height Issues?

Braden seems to think he's a lot taller than he really is, and when he does stuff this cute, I'm not going to tell him otherwise!

This is when Braden tried to get a balloon from the ceiling.

And my little boy Michael Jordan shooting hoops.


You know when you have pictures and/or video of something that just keeps happening or reappearing? You know how you can put it all together into one little montage? Well we decided it's time to make a "Braden falling asleep in random times, in random places, and random positions" montage.

My son...the Barbie Girl...

Remember that "band" Aqua? And their "hit song" Barbie Girl? Well, my son can sing it pretty well. I wish I could say I was proud. By the way, I'm aware of the dangers of recording and driving at the same time, and I'll have you know that the car was not in motion during the filming of this event...or maybe there was just a little movement...I forget...

Soldier Training

Seriously, I have no clue where I came up with it, I just started teaching them to do this little thing and it's now a family phenomenon. Enjoy!