Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Wedding

Mike did it he got married now the happy couple are enjoying there honeymoon in the sun. Here are just a few pics from the happy event just go to this website and you can view my photo album. Enjoy!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Braden's visit to the Doctor

I am trying to download some video of Braden at the doctors office, he was so funny I hope I can get it to work. Here goes nothing.

Yay!! I did it. Braden was so funny at the doctors when we went for his well child check up I thought to catch it on my phone. You have to listen and turn up your volume for this one. It makes me crack up every time I watch it. He is classic.
He was pushing this chair around for no kidding like 10 min. I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud and distract him. What a little cutie!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Eve

This year we did the matching jammies, aren't they sooo cute.
This is Mia and her Aunt Jeppie opening the first gift.

And this is Braden and Bacca opening his gift. ohhh I can hardly wait to see what they got there only Grandson!

Yay!!! Just what he always wanted a Purple Mini-Van ... What? ya it had wheels he was cool with it he is confident in his boyhood. vroom vroom there goes the mommy and baby.

And Mia got a Fancy Nancy Doll... how fun is that!

But the kicker to the whole evening was Breaden getting into the Blue Food Coloring, What a Smurftastic end to our Christmas Eve. Thanks for a wonderfl time at the Metcalf's with our second annual Gingerbread House decorating contest. The winner goes to .... "Recession Santa"

Seriously this is the funniest thing i had seen all night! Awsome!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Switch from old blog

This is our new blog. Our old one was primarily for me, Justin, but the email address that the old blog was associated with is one I do not use anymore. So for the last several months of history, visit