This year we did the matching jammies, aren't they sooo cute.
This is Mia and her Aunt Jeppie opening the first gift.
Yay!!! Just what he always wanted a Purple Mini-Van ... What? ya it had wheels he was cool with it he is confident in his boyhood. vroom vroom there goes the mommy and baby.
And Mia got a Fancy Nancy Doll... how fun is that!
But the kicker to the whole evening was Breaden getting into the Blue Food Coloring, What a Smurftastic end to our Christmas Eve. Thanks for a wonderfl time at the Metcalf's with our second annual Gingerbread House decorating contest. The winner goes to .... "Recession Santa"
Seriously this is the funniest thing i had seen all night! Awsome!!
It looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! Mia & Brayden are such cuties!